activity manager/widget explorer and ContorllerWindow keyPressEvent problem

Farhad Hedayati-Fard hf.farhad at
Thu Mar 3 16:20:35 CET 2011

I've worked on the focusing problem of widget explorer and activity manager so 
that the search box has focus when they're opened.
it seems that now the search box has focus when they're opened , but the 
keyEvents are processed by the ControllerWindow, (I've put qDebug()s in every 
focusInEvent() and focusOutEvent() to follow the focus being passed down 
through the widgets, and It goes to the search box, so I think that the 
focusing is not the problem anymore).
I've also put qDebugs in keyPressEvent()s to see where keyPress events are 
being processed, and found that they're going to 
I tried using grabKeyboard() and releaseKeyboard() in searchbox's 
focusInEvent() and focusOutEvent(). this works, but Marco told that doing so 
is dangerous when I was using it for calendar keyboard navigation.

So, What should I do to get this working?

Thanks in advance :)

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