making a data engine for nepomuk(?)

swair shah swairshah at
Fri Jul 8 06:12:05 CEST 2011

hi ml,

I'm working on a project in nepomuk (something called project integrator). I
wanted to make a plasmoid for that. I know that it can be done using either
c++ or python. Now I know that there is a gsoc project where most of the c++
plasmoids are being ported to QML.

First I wanted to ask why is it that c++ plasmoids are getting ported to
QML, will plasma only support QML plasmoids in the future or something?
Secondly, I wanted to ask, what is the right method to make a plasmoid?
Should i make a data engine first and then use it to make a plasmoid (also
it would be great if someone a bit familiar with nepomuk  AND plasma could
just give me a brief intro to what a data engine related to nepomuk should
be like). AFAIK there isn't any data engine using which one could make
nepomuk application. So If i were to start building one, people willing to
make nepomuk related plasmoids will benefit in future.

Coming back to QML, if all c++ plasmoids are eventually going to get ported
to QML, I should create the plasmoid in QML. What are your inputs?

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