Setting a plasmoid on desktop border

Francesco Nwokeka francesco.nwokeka at
Fri Jul 1 16:49:48 CEST 2011

Hi devs.
	As suggested today by sebas, I'm writing to the ML to ask info about a problem I have and what 
you suggest would be the best way to solve this.
The effect I want to achieve is the same as the cashew icon. That is being attached to the desktop 
borders or being able to know the desktop boundaries.
I was told that to be able to achieve this, I would have to add my plasmoid to the KDE desktop 
containment and then set my plasmoid to stay on the edge.
Another option given to me was that I were to write my own containment. But so would this involve 
writing code for the Plasma desktop.

Do you guys have any proposals?

P.S - Attached to the mail is one of my mockups so you can get the idea I have in mind.

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