GSoC on Porting Plasmoids to QML

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Feb 23 20:34:55 CET 2011

On Wednesday 23 February 2011, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> > yeah, that's more in the qtcomponents project tough.
> This will be a bit problematic - one student is expected to port
> plasmoids to something, while the other one makes the components of
> that something.
> If those are not coordinated well, we'll end up with a set of applets
> that will have to be rewritten to use the plasma's components later.

yeah, the most needed/used should be done asap and be prioritized upon what is 
needed as the other project advances (and could require even use 
qgraphicswidgets as placeholders in the meantime :/)

another note, i will need some of those pretty soon(tm) for another (not 
completely unrelated) project..
so no pressure Daker, no pressure at all :p

Marco Martin

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