GSoC on Porting Plasmoids to QML

Lukas Appelhans l.appelhans at
Wed Feb 23 20:17:54 CET 2011

Am Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2011, 20:10:07 schrieb Ivan Čukić:
> > yeah, that's more in the qtcomponents project tough.
> This will be a bit problematic - one student is expected to port
> plasmoids to something, while the other one makes the components of
> that something.
> If those are not coordinated well, we'll end up with a set of applets
> that will have to be rewritten to use the plasma's components later.
Speaking of said project...

As far as I understand it it's about writing stuff like Buttons, LineEdits and 
so on for use in QML... those should use the current plasma theme and so... :) 

I plan to write an application for both the QtComponents project and a part of 
the MediaCenter stuff (we thought about splitting them)... so you guys can 
choose what is more needed :) (I'm very happy with both :D)


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