another interesting bug.. this time performance related

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Feb 23 18:33:19 CET 2011

On Wednesday 23 February 2011, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 23, 2011, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > directional for this, no? (I think right now it only lists, but can't
> > manipulate tasks, i.e. restore.
> it provides a per-window service that exposes all these things ...
> what it doesn't do is respect grouping. we still need a grouping
> representation, either in the DataEngine or just straight through a model.
it's true that aren't going to be a billion of tasks so a dataengine could be 
enough, but i fear libtaskmanager is still something too much heavy duty for a 
dataengine, in respect to representing groups..
right now there is a source per task, how represent grouping?
a source could become a task, both if it's a task group or just a task...
then there could be multi level groups if manual grouping is enabled, so the 
Data would become even more complex, hmmm ..

Marco Martin

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