[plasma] Plasma-Components

Daker Fernandes dakerfp at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 14:46:25 CET 2011

Hello Marco,

I've been interested to contribute with KDE since I've started to work with
Qt/QML and I think the GSoC is a great oportunity for contributing.
I've been working on QtComponents for the last few months and I think that
creating the Plasma Components would be a nice contribution.
I talked with Artur Souza and he suggested me to go to the Plasma Tokamak,
which I want to go even without the GSoC.
I already put my name on the Attendees list.

I also have a few questions about the plasma-components:

There's a list of components TBD? If so, where I can find them?
How QML runs on plasma?
Where can I find any doc. of how the styling mechanisms work on plasma?

Daker Fernandes Pinheiro
CS Undergraduate Student at Federal University of Pernambuco
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