New properties for StatusNotifierItem: (Not|Only)ShowIn (2/3)

Ted Gould ted at
Thu Feb 3 15:34:27 CET 2011

On Thu, 2011-02-03 at 14:41 +0100, Marco Martin wrote:
> On Thursday 03 February 2011, Ted Gould wrote:
> > We also started to use some of the application indicators from
> > applications in the launcher on the left side of the screen.  We use the
> > application indicator to provide additional menus for the launcher which
> > we call a quick list.  We're currently choosing which application is on
> > the panel and which is in the launcher based on heuristics, but we'd
> > like to have a way for applications to explicitly control that behavior
> > if they so desire.  What we'd like to add is two properties that are
> > lists of strings: NotShowIn and OnlyShowIn.  These would work exactly
> > the same as the same properties in Desktop files where an application
> > could say "NotShowIn=["Unity Launcher"]" and ensure that they'd never
> > end up with that item used as a quicklist.  Most applications would
> > hopefully not find a reason to use this, but for those that would like
> > the precise control it would be available.
> I'm a bit hesitant about this, I'm not sure should be up to the application 
> knowing where it should be or not present...
> what is an exact use case?
> what is that unity needs to show or not show?
> wouldn't be possible to gather from the data like the category of the item (or 
> even add more description data of what the item is about)?

The use case was people wanting different menus on the panel vs. on the
launcher.  Or not appearing on the panel at all even if there wasn't a
launcher available.  So the specific case was with Tomboy where in the
menu on the panel they wanted to have a "Quit" button but the launcher
menu automatically has a close (through the WM) and they didn't want
both.  Also, in our specific case there are more restrictions on the
menus in the launcher (no submenus) so if an app wanted to use those
they wouldn't want it to appear in the launcher.

I would imagine that for most applications if they were going to use
this feature they would be building more than one Item.  They'd build
one for a very specific visual target and then another that is a generic
item for all other visualizations.


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