the next step on the desktop

Alex Fiestas afiestas at
Thu Feb 3 01:26:32 CET 2011

On 02/02/2011 09:57 PM, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>> --- About taskmanager:
>> (1) use only icons (this already happens when taskbar is full):
>>    - icon size on the panel should be shortcut size (>launcher size,
>> =Kickoff)
> i'm not interested in making it a clone of windows7 :)
I'm not interested neither, but we have to find a way to improve the 
current paradigm, not sure how but we have to do it.

I'm not going to talk about usability because I don't know anything on 
the subject but I can see a couple of points that are according to the 
experiences I had I think they are as true as the snow is white :p

1-Vertical launch menu is way more complex than the "dock" concept.
	In any kind of Vertical launch menu (Windows* kde3, Kickoff, Lancelot) 
you have a longer number of step to do before you find whatever you want 
to find, or whatever you want to launch. For example right now if I want 
to execute KGet I have to: Click Icon-->Application->Internet->Scroll 
down (yes, this is another step), Click on KGet.
	Also, the typically this vertical menus doesn't invite you naturally to 
create a set of Favorite applications since these menus are typically 
hidden all the time (I don't know anybody that makes a good use of 
Kickoff Favorite... do you?)
	Another point is that as far as I know any of our vertical menus offer 
a way to see all the applications we have. Typically the "Docks" have 
some way of doing it so you can add applications to them.
They usually show something like this:

To finish, I'm not saying that I want a Dock, and I'm not saying that we 
need to emulate what Windows 7 does, what I'm saying is that Vertical 
Launch Menus are flawed and if we want to move to the next step we 
should not use them by default.

2-Taskbar clutters A LOT the panel, and label invites you to read.
	In the last discussion about "taskbar Icons only" one of the arguments 
by Aaron was: Labels add useful information, and I agree but to get that 
information you have to read, and no matter how fast you can do it image 
recognition is always faster once you know the relationship between 
Image<-->meaning. As an example, we have traffic signs, instead of 
having a signal such as "Be careful, there is an school around" what you 
have a drawing of a boy with a backpack.

	No matter what I do, my panel is always full of stuff without a simple 
empty space, and that makes me forget momentarily what I was going to 
do. Is like when you go to get something from you desktop (real desktop) 
and once you're in front of it you forget what you were going to get 
because the desktop is full of stuff.	

Again, I'm not saying Let's move to Windows7/Dock paradigm! I'm just 
exposing my concerns and experiences.

To finish, if we don't come up with something different I don't see any 
problem to copy/emulate/get inspired/ in any other existing solution, no 
matter if it is a Dock (Unity dock works quite well, so it is possible 
after all) or a Tasbar on steroids.

Be in peace :D

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