First Experience With Activities

David Baron d_baron at
Thu Dec 29 15:36:35 UTC 2011

> Why I had so many? My .kde was been through it all including crashes,
> failures, loss of desktops, etc. Usually the thing healed itself after some
> logins or, for example, I got my kmail, qjackctl and nut-monitor icons back
> on my system tray after a plasma-desktop crash and restart.
> The strip with all the activities, be they a handful or 20, is too big. And
> now that I have removed all but the two I am using so far, I do not need
> the whole screen width. Also, the meaning of the "transport" icons is not
> quite clear-- suppose when there are applications, they start or stop
> them.

Came up today with one "new activity" and the kmail, etc., system tray icons 
again absent.

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