Review Request: Change activity by rolling the mouse wheel over the showActivityManager widget.

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Wed Dec 28 12:39:26 UTC 2011

On Tuesday, December 27, 2011 20:00:12 Simone Gaiarin wrote:
> Summarizing:
> 1)No redundant configuration interface should be added.
> 2)Only cycle through active activity is fine, but the dbus interface

I still don't like this behaviour, as, even with a tooltip, it's still kind of 
hidden. A more explicit behaviour would be nicer.

> should provide a method to get the list of active activity to simplify
> the work, or it will be necessary to make a dbus call for every
> activity to check if it is active. But what is the sense of active or
> unactive activity?
> 3)The tooltip popup of the widget now says: "Click to show the
> activity manager". We can add a description like: "Scroll to switch
> activity."
> With this two changes who do not use activities can't do any mista
> since the widget does not do anything even if he scroll over it.
> Instead the activity aware user can know how the widget work from the
> tooltip.
> 4)Later, as a final improvement an osd with the activity name can be added.

This is really what should be done, maybe like a kwin VD switching effect?

> What do you think?

I'm not a great fan of pushing in the wheel-switches-activity, this should be 
improved in the correct way right away. We're so far away from feature freeze 
(4.9) that we don't really need a quick thing in.

sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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