SoK idea: Improve krunner result displaying and navigation.

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Apr 28 14:34:33 CEST 2011

On Thursday, April 28, 2011 09:15:08 Luiz Romário Santana Rios wrote:
> Currently, when we type something in, krunner displays the results as it
> finds it, without giving a feedback of whether it is searching or just
> didn't find anything.

that would be a nice addition.

> It also does not separate the results into its different categories 

that's because they are organized by relevance. if they are sorted into 
categories, and if there are 4 categories that match and 5 items in each 
category then the best match from the 4th category will be the 16th item in 
the list(!) even though it is more likely to be what the user wants than most 
of the items above it.

i have yet to see a solution for this problem, but am open to such a solution 
being offered.

> and shows some irrelevant results.

by definition, that is not possible. the results are precisely what the 
runners say match. if the results are not relevant, the runner at fault should 
be improved.
> My idea is to give the user a better feedback of what's happening, telling
> them that krunner is searching or that it didn't find anything about those
> terms.

would be nice, yes :)

> Also, the results will be separated into different categories, say,
> programs, files and folders, Nepomuk tags, etc., giving the user the ability
> of choosing which one of these categories they want to prefer or defer and
> which one of these will contain the default action.
> I also intend to make it possible for the user to navigate through the
> results using the arrow keys, instead of tabbing,

you already can. :) as long as the user has not been using the arrow keys to 
back into the history, then you can just hit the down arrow to start going 
through the entries.

> and to show a scrollbar
> instead of an arrow when there's a lot of results (or maybe a "More"
> button),

i'd prefer a more button. a scroll bar will ruin the visuals.

> also shrinking the less relevant results.

shouldn't matter as they are already lower in the list?
> Is this a good SoK idea? Is it too little?

it might be too little, yes. but there is a ton of stuff that can be done in 
krunner, so a krunner focussed SoK that starts with the above would be just 
fine imho.

> I also thought of a simpler K menu that can run runners in its search,
> letting you put the results in the favorites just by dragging.

kickoff lets you do this, as does lancelot.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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