I: Re: R: Re: plasma classroom

Mario Fux kde-ml at unormal.org
Wed Sep 15 08:26:06 CEST 2010

Am Dienstag 14 September 2010, 19:51:08 schrieb LucaTringali:


> >i'd rather see the suggestions go somewhere else
> >rather than flood this mailing list.
> Ok, the suggestions could be stored everyone in an
> html page. What do you prefer?
> >other than that, it's a reasonable idea. could you set
> >this up on a web server somewhere and perhaps
> >store the results in a database or somesuch that we
> >could then grab it from later?
> Sure, but it's better if it's stored on a KDE server: it
> would be more official, and other people could help
> translating it. I can create a tar file with all: you will
> just need to upload its content on a webserver.

Don't care about to many opinions. The school system and education is such a 
big institution and has such different situations and wishes. You only get 
distracted by too many opinions and ideas. And if you once have some real 
working code it's much more concret for teacher and education specialist to 
see what's possible.

Don't let people dream to much. Do something let some people work with it and 
see how it works.

I think it's important that you have some school(s) or teachers and try to fit 
their needs as good as possible. Plasma is such a flexibel framework that you 
still can adjust it for other environments and situations.

If and when you satisfy the needs of the brasilian school(system) you've done 
such a big task.


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