I: Re: R: Re: plasma classroom

LucaTringali TRINGALINVENT at libero.it
Tue Sep 14 19:51:08 CEST 2010

>i'd rather see the suggestions go somewhere else
>rather than flood this mailing list.
Ok, the suggestions could be stored everyone in an
html page. What do you prefer?
>other than that, it's a reasonable idea. could you set
>this up on a web server somewhere and perhaps
>store the results in a database or somesuch that we
>could then grab it from later?
Sure, but it's better if it's stored on a KDE server: it
would be more official, and other people could help
translating it. I can create a tar file with all: you will
just need to upload its content on a webserver.

Luca Tringali 

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