R: Re: plasma classroom

LucaTringali TRINGALINVENT at libero.it
Tue Sep 14 12:05:39 CEST 2010

> Another idea i had is to create a webpage from
> which teachers of all the world can submit
> suggestions for this project.

>that would also be really great; setting up a community around this could be 
key, and get an early-adopter / feedback community started would be excellent.
>if a wiki would be enough, we can use community.kde.org/Plasma/Classroom as a 
starting point, and populate it with more teacher-user oriented links and info?

I thought at a form like this:

Create a file called "submityouridea.php":

$lang = $_GET['language'];
if ($lang=="en") @include "english.php";
if ($lang=="de") @include "deutch.php";
if ($lang=="fr") @include "french.php";
if ($lang=="it") @include "italian.php";
if ($lang=="") @include "english.php";

print '<form action="submityouridea.php" name="modulo">';
print $textlang;
print '<br><select size="1" name="language" >';
print '<option value="de">Deutch</option>';
print '<option value="en">English</option>';
print '<option value="fr">French</option>';
print '<option value="it">Italian</option>';
print '</select>';
print ' <input type="Submit" value="OK"> </form> ';

$schooltype = $_POST['schooltype'];
$country = $_POST['country'];
$suggest = $_POST['suggest'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$person = $_POST['person'];
if ($suggest!=""){
$suggestion = 'This is the idea suggested  by '.$person.', that teaches in a 
'.$schooltype.' in '.$country.'. <br>The suggestion is:<br>'.$suggest.'<br> We 
can contact this teacher by the e-mail: '.$email;
if( @mail("TRINGALINVENT at libero.it", "plasma-classroom suggestion", 
$suggestion) ) print '<h2>'.$textgood.'</h2>';
else print '<h2>'.$textwrong.'</h2>';

print '<form action="submityouridea.php" name="modulo1" method="POST">';
print $textperson;
print '<br><input type="text" name="person"><br>';
print $textschool;
print '<br><select size="1" name="schooltype" >';
print '<option value="Primary">'.$schoola.'</option>';
print '<option value="High School">'.$schoolb.'</option>';
print '<option value="College">'.$schoolc.'</option>';
print '<option value="University">'.$schoold.'</option>';
print '</select><br>';
print $textcountry;
print '<br><input type="text" name="country"><br>';
print $textsuggest;
print '<br><textarea name="suggest" cols="50" rows="10" ></textarea><br>';
print $textplease;
print '<br><br>';
print $textemail;
print '<br><input type="text" name="email"><br>';
print ' <input type="Submit" value="OK"> </form> ';

then create a file called "english.php":

$textlang = 'Choose your language:';
$schoola="Primary School";
$schoolb="High School";
$textperson = 'Please write your name:';
$textemail = 'Please write your email address (just in case we need to ask 
some expanations):';
$textschool = 'In wich school do you work?';
$textcountry = 'In wich country do you work?';
$textsuggest = 'Suggest your idea:';
$textplease = 'NOTE: Please, write in English if possible.';
$textwrong = "Something went wrong sending your suggestion. Please try again 
$textgood = "Your suggestion has been sent, thank you.";
It will send to this mailing list a message containing the suggestion 
submitted by a teacher.
Try it opening the file submityouridea.php with the browser.

Luca Tringali

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