Why rotate widgets?

todd rme toddrme2178 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 23:12:55 CEST 2010

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Anton Kreuzkamp <akreuzkamp at web.de> wrote:
>>I wish there was a trapezoid/shear mapping feature so I could also add
>>some perspective effect to the widgets. Where is the wishlist kept for
>>plasmoid features?
> As I said before I'm currently working on it (only via desktop scripting to
> not clutter the interface - maybe if the majority sais it should be in the GUI
> I'll try to do it). Till now it works but still doesn't work together with
> resizing/rotating - I'll work on it when I have enogh time.

Have you considered maybe having it as an additional modifier for the
normal resizing/rotating?  Currently ctrl+drag forces an aspect-ratio
change, perhaps something along those lines could be used to not
further clutter the interface.  Maybe shift+drag on the resize button
for trapezoidal, shift+drag on the rotate button for sheer.  That
isn't very discoverable, but it is far more discoverable than


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