Application start animation

Mario Fux kde-ml at
Sun Oct 24 20:01:35 CEST 2010

Am Sonntag 24 Oktober 2010, 19.53:01 schrieb Ivan Cukic:
> Hi,

> I've received a nice idea from a user, but I'm unsure how possible it is to
> implement.
> The idea is to have a visual clue from where the application is started -
> to expand it from the point of launch like we do for minimization and
> maximization of the windows.
MacOSX has it as well (I've an apple computer in my office) and I think 
usability (and organic, was once a plasma thing isn't it?) wise it makes a lot 
of sense. Not just in plasma but as well in Dolphin when one clicks a file.

I think this would be a kwin thing...

Just my 2 Rappen ;-)

> Cheerio,
> Ivan

BTW: You're marmalade is tasty, thx! Remember? ;-)

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