Review Request: Initial work on the flexible controller of the Plasma Media Center
Christophe Olinger
olingerc at
Sat Mar 27 11:10:55 CET 2010
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(Updated 2010-03-27 10:10:55.204760)
Review request for Plasma.
This pacth gives PMC some of its functionality back. Playing and stopping media will use the current BrowsingVideos and PlayingVideos Mode. The Pictures Modes still have a playlist because double clicking a file still appends to the playlist in those modes. I also changed the modes a bit. .We really do not need a browsign Music mode. playing music is enough.
Still to do:
*Remove browsing navigation controls
*Refine the different modes
*Use mime type to decide to which mode to switch (we could also follow in which mode the user is and select playing videos if we play a file from the browsing videos mode. same for pictures. The altter approach might be easier.
*There is abug now where the controller disappears on resize. I'll check that out
This patch update is mainly to show what I am doing currently. I will further work on it on Sunday.
This patch extends the controller applet by having 6 different layout modes which are adapted to what the media center is currently used for, i.e. browsing pictures, playing videos, etc. It sends a signal to the containment with the current mode. The containment then relayouts the other applets and configures them for the current Mode. These modes are defined as enum in the libs.
*The browser no longer has any controls. Those are now in the controller.
*The controller also has a show/hide playlist button and a toggle autohide button for itself.
*The different modes do not have sensible functions yet. I also need to work on configuring the applets for each mode, like telling the browser to hide, or the player to show.
*The controller is not really beautiful. I want animations for show(hide icons. I want the modeswitch button in a "drawer" perhaps. The toggle buttons need effects.
Diffs (updated)
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/applets/mediabrowser/abstractmediaitemview.cpp 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/applets/mediabrowser/mediabrowser.h 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/applets/mediabrowser/mediabrowser.cpp 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/applets/mediacontroller/controller.h 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/applets/mediacontroller/controller.cpp 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/containments/mediacontainment/mediacontainment.h 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/containments/mediacontainment/mediacontainment.cpp 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/containments/mediacontainment/medialayout.h 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/containments/mediacontainment/medialayout.cpp 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/libs/mediacenter/browser.cpp 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/libs/mediacenter/mediacenter.h 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/libs/mediacenter/playbackcontrol.h 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/libs/mediacenter/playbackcontrol.cpp 1107947
/trunk/playground/base/plasma/MediaCenterComponents/shells/plasmediacenter/mainwindow.cpp 1107947
I tested the controller itself. The actual effect on the other applets when changing modes still needs work.
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