how to access data from dataEngine::query in javascript?

Thomas Fjellstrom tfjellstrom at
Tue Jun 29 14:50:06 CEST 2010

I'm working on a plasmoid which uses a dataengine, and I can't for the life 
of me figure out how to actually access the data from the return value of:


assuming there is a "type" property of type QString, how do I get at the 

Everything I've tried either leads to "result of expression is not a 
function", or "undefined".

Putting the result with toString() into a label gives me 
QVariant(DataEngine::Data) which I have no clue what to do with. I've tried 
several ways to get at the data inside, but as I mentioned, nothing worked.


Thomas Fjellstrom
tfjellstrom at

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