Fwd: Auto-discard notification

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Sun Jun 13 20:40:19 CEST 2010

he's still in blacklist, so forwarding here the auto blocked message:

Am Montag, 24. Mai 2010, um 10:36:38 schrieb Martin Gräßlin:
> Am Montag 24 Mai 2010, 02:14:02 schrieb Chani:
> > Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> > > 6) The Alt+Tab switcher uses centered window titles. Normally that is no
> > > problem, but if you have e.g. a kompare window open with deep absolute
> > > pathes, both pathes are in the window title, making the switcher
> > > like twice the screen width... (which means the icon is on the far left
> > > side of the screen, and the window title start near the right edge of
> > > the screen)
> >
> > 6) reassigns to project kwin
> Which is also a wontfix. The issue is not related in center text alignment,
> but in the too long window title. We cannot do anything about applications
> which think that they have to put two absolute paths in the title. 

I totally agree, applications are (and will always) be putting long titles 
into its window  titles (e.g. long html <title> strings in konqueror, or 
absolute pathes...)

> So with
> left aligned text it would be exactly the same as the title has still the
> same length.

There are several spots in KDE where long texts (or URLs) would be a problem. 
In most cases this is solved using KSqueezedTextLabel, so why can't the window 
list in the Task switcher not use this squeezing, too, to prevent a switcher 
that is way too wide?


Reinhold Kainhofer, reinhold at kainhofer.com, http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 * http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting, http://www.lilypond.org

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