Plasmoid "picture frame"

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at
Tue Jun 1 10:36:04 CEST 2010

On Monday 31 May 2010 22:38:45 Xaver Wurzenberger wrote:
> Hello Anne-Marie Mahfouf,
> I am not sure if this is the right way to express my thoughts about the
> plasmoid "picture frame" (hope this is the right phrase, it just says the
> german "bilderrahmen" here), but since your name and this email-adress is
> given as information, I decided to just do so. Feel free to redirect me if
> necessary.
> I've been using the picture frame plasmoid for a while now and while it is
> a fun and handy little application, there are two things that have always
> bothered me a bit. Surely other people feel the same way, so it might be
> good to fix them:
> One, checking the "random" box in it's settings doesn't make the picture
> order random here. Pictures are displayed in always in the same order, I
> checked.
Always in the same order, but random anyway, no?  Then it seems that the 
randomize seed is always the same. I need to have a look at KRandomSequence 
and at the code.
> Two, it would be nice to have a "sticky point" on the frame. For instance,
> I have the frame in my lower right screen corner. When a picture doens't
> have the same size/resolution, the frame is expanding or shrinking with
> the top left frame corner staying where it was. If that "fixed point"
> could be changed to lower right, my pictures would always have their lower
> right corner in the lower right corner of my screen, instead of looking
> jumping around. I realize this is not that easy to explain, I hope I
> managed it nevertheless.
It's a wish report on, anyone who wants to post a patch for this 
is welcome!

Best regards,


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