definitions and package for plasma on meego

Marco Martin notmart at
Tue Jul 13 22:09:39 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 13 July 2010, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> hi ...
> i (along with some other kde people) are in preliminary discussions with
> some companies regarding putting KDE and Plasma on devices. one in
> particular is looking at Plasma Netbook + modifications for a tablet
> device running MeeGo.
> this kind of opportunity will likely become more frequent, but as they
> appear they are usually going to be one time events: we will have one good
> shot with each company.
> right now, we're missing a very critical piece of the puzzle which is
> preventing these companies from starting to get involved in R&D type
> activities with us:
> 		we need a clear description of what "KDE on MeeGo" is.
> this includes:
> * build instructions for MeeGo

i can wipe out my sdk and start a build from scratch, annotating each step one 
has to do after the chroot is set up to get at least kdelibs and kdebase 

> * tarballs they can download with the relevant sources (could be just a
> list of links to existing tarballs we release)

yep, that one is easy :)

> * lists of files/libraries that end up being installed as part of kdelibs
> and runtime on MeeGo

uhm, everything, every so, header and so forth?

> * documentation of the MeeGo profiles (tablet, mobile) that go into kdelibs

do we already have plasma running on a limited profie?

> i know these are all "works in progress" type things, but if we have
> documentation on them, please speak up and post links so we can pass them
> on to the interested parties.
> there is some information here:
> but it's a bit spotty and not something we can hand to a 3rd party, really.
> there is also some interesting TODO's here:
> and some packaging docs here:
> but again, this is more in the category of "internal notes".
> i also have read the notes from the mobile BoF at akademy:
> some great stuff there; but it's missing "documentation for 3rd parties".
> some may be tempted to say "but we aren't ready for 3rd parties", but
> that's incorrect: we are ready for early adopters who are ready and
> willing to help out and work with the code alongside us. it's an
> opportunity to get more people helping us instead of trying to do it all
> on our own like heros with the idea of having something "complete" one day
> to offer to 3rd parties. while many 3rd parties are going to want that
> "something complete", not everyone needs that and some are going to want
> to be involved in making it happen.

i fear the time is really tight and we should have stuff ready "for yesterday"
something that we really need is a set of meego packages of 4.5, or the 
current trunk, or whatever.
i don't have any knowledge whatsoever about packaging, but is the biggest 
thing -everyone- interested in it is asking

> i don't have the knowledge necessary to put together this kind of
> documentation, so i'm asking that those who do can come together and help
> me do so. if we can have a working meetng on irc sometime this week to do
> so, that would be great, too. i'd like to end up with some basic recipes
> on getting the KDE Dev Platform on MeeGo along with a slide presentation
> for the technical management, and i'm willing to do a lot of the writing
> if we can scrape together the technical information.
> i'm available all of tomorrow and the next day to work on this. who will
> help out?

i'll be here as well of course :p

Marco Martin

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