Scrollbars in add widget ui

Ingomar Wesp ingomar at
Tue Jul 13 18:39:50 CEST 2010

> I have been playing a bit with the Add Widget UI on the plane back from
> Akademy and replaced the scroll buttons with a scrollbar. Attached patch
> is a first step at it, largely unfinished as I would like to know if you
> are interested in getting this integrated before I finish it.
> [...]
> What do you think?

I don't know if this has been discussed already, but how about making the list 
scroll vertically regardless of its orientation (that is, make the horizontal 
UI scroll vertically as well)?

I think that most users are more used to / comfortable with scrolling 
vertically than horizontally and it also maps better to the mouse wheel (which 
currently is the fastest way of scrolling through the widget list IMHO). 
Additionally it wouldn't take away vertical space which so many people seem to 
value these days.

Making the UI go away on drag leave would also be a great idea (as long as it 
returns after the widget has been dropped).

Best regards,

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