notifications, again :D

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Tue Jan 26 13:24:37 CET 2010

On Tuesday 26 January 2010 13:12:10 Ivan Čukić wrote:
> What about having something like Facebook does - one small notification
> popup  at a time, and when the user clicks the 'show notifications' he/she
> gets the list of notifications.
> We don't need to go for the list as well, but since the user clicked the
> 'show  notifications' button we don't have the problem of contextual
> information covering a large part of the screen - it is what the user
> wanted.

Yeah, I think this can work very well! And similarly to facebook (or, if you 
want, the non-plasma KDE notification system with kpassivepopup), if two or 
three notifications arrive at the same moment, we can show all of them without 
any problem, they would infact be very very small!

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