notifications, again :D

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Tue Jan 26 13:12:10 CET 2010

On Tuesday, 26. January 2010. 11.57.36 Riccardo Iaconelli wrote:
> On Monday 25 January 2010 13:20:56 Marco Martin wrote:
> > opinions? comments?
> > would like to hear some feedback before implementing anything since each
> > solution would lead to a different total screwing of the current
> > implementation :p

What about having something like Facebook does - one small notification popup 
at a time, and when the user clicks the 'show notifications' he/she gets the 
list of notifications.

We don't need to go for the list as well, but since the user clicked the 'show 
notifications' button we don't have the problem of contextual information  
covering a large part of the screen - it is what the user wanted.


Before you talk to me, I should warn you: I am kind of strange

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