Concerning the KDE 4 Digital Clock widget

Emdek emdeck at
Thu Feb 25 08:53:56 CET 2010

2010/2/24 Riccardo Iaconelli <riccardo at>:
>> LXDE has a digital clock which works like that, allowing me to use a
>> "Ymd.Hi" date/time setup. Even in KDE 3.5 the digital clock allowed me to
>> use a "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" option, which isn't PHP but which would be
>> preferable over the current digital clock options which limit
>> customisation of a critical part of the KDE system too much to my liking.
>> I ask because the current way of displaying both time and date causes a
>> critical displacement of the actual time, as well as offering only a "d M
>> Y" scheme, which requires me to calculate the actual numerical
>> representation of the month as well as transform this date, "13 Feb 2010"
>> at the time of writing, to "20100213" which is required for proper
>> management of the data stored on my network.
>> Integrating a similar system as LXDE, where the PHP date() standard could
>> be utilized to allow each user their own personalized representation of
>> the time and date would be a major improvement for a critical system like
>> a digital clock.
> That's indeed a good idea, however I don't think it fits with the design of
> the digital clock we're shipping with KDE Workspace. It is infact supposed to
> be a simple clock that will fit most cases without needing a pletora of
> configuration options. It is exactly to addresss use cases like yours that we
> made very simple to extend or replace all the components of the workspace.
> If you can code in Javascript or C++, or ruby or python, you can create a new
> clock, and you can distribute it through Get Hot New Stuff (via opendesktop)
> or we can include it with the next KDE SC. There are some tutorials on
> techbase, and you can get some help on plasma-devel at or the #plasma IRC
> channel on Freenode.

There is already clock that allows to fully configure format, it is in
kdereview for some months (waiting for Aaron ;-)) and is named
Adjustable Clock.

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