Plasma and newcomers

Anne Wilson cannewilson at
Mon Feb 15 21:18:51 CET 2010

On Monday 15 February 2010 17:14:45 you wrote:
> On February 14, 2010, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > I've been mulling over for a while that fact that I have plenty of
> > questions and few answers.  I wonder if what is required is a userbase
> > page with a title something like 'Plasma First Look' (Category:Getting
> > Started), dealing with such topics as which things are configured from
> > context menus and which things need systemsettings?  Simple things need
> you are envisioning something that would cover the whole of Plasma Desktop,
> then (plasma-desktop + kwin + system settings + sysguard + krunner)? that'd
> be good imho, as would (eventually) something similar to Plasma Netbook.
> addressing the whole desktop/netbook shell as one big thing to the user is
> a good step away from presenting documentation in a technical manner
> ("here's kwin manual, now here's the control panel manual...") and towards
> a more "what the user actually perceives" approach ("here's the manual for
> your desktop..")
Exactly.  The average user needs something more task-based than the 
traditional manual, IMO. :-)

> > Einar does a good job of keeping the main Plasma page up to date, and
> > there are good animated gifs in the Plasma how-to page.  Perhaps someone
> > could put a note on the discussion page when particular things need to
> > be added to any of the Plasma pages?
> this sounds like it will be easy to miss. what would work better for me,
> though others may have different ideas to offer, is to have something a bit
> more proactive where the people/person maintaining the Plasma pages gets
> together with the Plasma developers on a regular basis (perhaps on IRC,
> though other venues could work as well) to discuss what's there now and
> what's missing.
Sounds good to me.

> that would prevent us developers from being "too busy" or simply forgetting
> to add to the discussion page and leaving the documenter with nothing to
> work with. it would also be nice, i think, if the documenter didn't feel
> like an outsider peering in :) maybe they should visit us at an upcoming
> Tokamak or at Akademy as well ...
I'd definitely want to be involved.  I can't make it to the coming Tokamak, 
but I'll be there at Akademy, so maybe we could manage a BoF there?

> there are a number of good things on already
> as well as things that could be improved on. we can work on making it
> better together. can we start by scheduling a real time meeting on irc?
Sure - as long as it doesn't conflict with Akademy meetings, I'm available 
most times.  Einar may have more constraints on his time than I have, so I'll 
wait for suggestions on time.

> this also raises new questions for me as to "what is for?",
> but that's my challenge to address :)

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