Tokamak IV breakout groups
Aaron J. Seigo
aseigo at
Fri Feb 5 20:51:58 CET 2010
On February 5, 2010, Marco Martin wrote:
> On Friday 05 February 2010, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > hi all ...
> >
> > we need to collect a listing of all the breakout groups for Tokamak IV.
> > you
> >
> > can see a start to this on the Tokamak IV organization page here:
> >
> >
> > to add a new group, please propose it here in this thread and if we agree
> > that it's on topic and that we will have the right people at Tokamak IV
> > to cover the topic then we can add it.
> >
> > note that there are breakout groups already there fore Oxygen and KWin,
> > but that they need some details added.
> >
> > each breakout group will have a facilitator assigned. this person will be
> > responsible for organizing the schedule for the talks and helping us to
> > get reports back from that group. the facilitator does not need to do
> > all that work themselves, they just need to ensure it gets done. :)
> > facilitators are free to wander between break out groups, of course, but
> > it would be good if they were around their break-out group as much as
> > possible or is needed.
> >
> > break-out groups may last for the entirety of Tokamak IV, or they may
> > only last for a day or two. this is up to the people in the breakout
> > group. please note.
> >
> > if you would like to participate, in whole or in part, a break out group,
> > please add your name to the attendees list for that group(s).
> >
> > if you would like to give a presentation, add it to the list as well.
> >
> > i will try to work out some scheduling that will work for as many people
> > as possible based on the input you provide on that page.
> >
> > thanks :)
> oh, god, i should really be in all of them, can we make tokamak 4 weeks? :p
hehe. i know the feeling ;)
> jokes aside, we have 4 groups,
and we could easily end up with more.
> the ideal thing would be to have "work sessions" that don't last all day
> (half? a bit more?) so we'll have a schedule with two in the morning and
> two in the afternoon, maybe with some hours of overlapping but letting
> people to attend to more than one.
this will really depend on who is attending, how long the breakout groups
need/want for their topic, how many presentations, etc. which is why we need
to get that information in there, so we can start dealing with exactly the
logistics issues you note.
> even if the kwin one will make sense probably to be a day ot two, since
> martin will be here only for a short time and /all/ of the "core" people
> (well, everybody that even remotely touched either libplasma or a shell)
> should - really- attend.
i don't know if we need everyone there for the window management break out,
but it will need to revolve around Martin's schedule as you note. and as we
just discussed on irc, it may make sense to suspend the mobile breakout for
.5-1 day and hold the kwin breakout then.
again, i really need to know who wants to attend which breakouts :)
> also, depending from how many presentations there will be, they should be
> sequential, so everybody listens to all, and then back to work :)
good point; that's also part of the scheduling that needs to happen.
we also have some other constraints such as with the mobile break out group
presentations: the SDK presentations really must happen right at the start
otherwise people won't have the tools they need to get working.
Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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