Window thumbnail and Javascript

J Janz kde at
Fri Dec 31 22:40:21 CET 2010

2010/12/30 Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at>

> as for general
> thumbnails, that sounds like something much more suited for a DataEngine or
> a
> Service. the biggest problem with that is it requires a top level window id
> (e.g.a Plasma::View or even a regular QWidget) and a region inside of it.
> i'm
> not keen on exposing that to the Javascript API, but it should be possible
> to
> go from a geometry in the plasmoid's coords to a set of global coords in a
> top
> level view.

Yes, I intent to use general thumbnails, displaying them on a plasmoid where
they'd be interactive (respond to mouse clicks a be able to close a window,
for example). It's a plasmoid I wanted to develop way long ago, Applications
Holder, and even applied to GSoC and SoK last year but couldn't find spot in
the first or a mentor in the latter. It's something I had mostly all done
quite easily before, using just buttons and text (ending up with more or
less of some things that taskbar do) through JS and Tasks dataengine and
service. I really missed which widget I should use for it, while searching
for a way of using the thumbnails, though .BTW, by the same logic you've
followed, back then I thought current taskbar had those from Tasks
dataengine but doesn't. Then, would it be the case, having those there, or
you see it as a separate DataEngine/Service?

Also, if I got it right from your answer, I still couldn't make it right now
even with a DataEngine/Service, because I wouldn't have a widget, right?
Can't I hook it up with any widget that can take an image (or, still, would
it be something you guys could make happen -- yes, I'm ignorant enough to
ask this ...)?

Last but not least, using plasmoid's coords wouldn't let me move the
thumbnail across the plasmoid smoothly without some good processing costs
(for changing those coords a lot), would it?

And, sure, couldn't miss to say: Happy New Year (4,5 hours to go, here at
Brazil)! May it be blessed and filled all up with The Peace, The Love, and
The Truth we all seek and miss! May God be with us all, always, no matter

And thanks again, all of you,
J (|´:¬{)»
"Eu sou a ressurreição e a vida. Quem crê em mim, ainda que morra, viverá; e
todo o que vive e crê em mim não morrerá, eternamente. Crês isto?"
O Senhor, Jesus Cristo - Jo.11:25-26
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