Window thumbnail and Javascript

Martin Gräßlin kde at
Thu Dec 30 19:35:22 CET 2010

On Thursday 30 December 2010 19:10:51 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> the biggest problem with that is it requires a top level window
> id (e.g.a Plasma::View or even a regular QWidget) and a region inside of
> it. i'm not keen on exposing that to the Javascript API, but it should be
> possible to go from a geometry in the plasmoid's coords to a set of global
> coords in a top level view. still, i don't think this belongs in the
> actual JS API as its far too specific to a given use case. a plugin
> approach, via DataEngine and/or Service, seems more sensible.
What could be done from the kwin side is providing a dbus interface. That way 
there would not be any need for the WId (and dbus is a much nicer API than 
XAtoms). Though I agree that showing window thumbnails is nothing that belongs 
into a JavaScript applet.
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