Window thumbnail and Javascript

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Dec 30 19:10:51 CET 2010

On Thursday, December 30, 2010, J Janz wrote:
> Hello, there,
> I asked about this a good while ago and back then JS bindings were still
> getting stablelized. As I don't see documentation for this specific issue,
> I come to ask again: is there a way for a JavaScript plasmoid to make use
> of window thumbnail like, for example, those on taskbar items' hover? If

Plasma::ToolTip* is on the scripting roadmap:

that could bring window thumbnails in tooltips at least. as for general 
thumbnails, that sounds like something much more suited for a DataEngine or a 
Service. the biggest problem with that is it requires a top level window id 
(e.g.a Plasma::View or even a regular QWidget) and a region inside of it. i'm 
not keen on exposing that to the Javascript API, but it should be possible to 
go from a geometry in the plasmoid's coords to a set of global coords in a top 
level view. still, i don't think this belongs in the actual JS API as its far 
too specific to a given use case. a plugin approach, via DataEngine and/or 
Service, seems more sensible.

> there isn't yet, would it be easily feasable for 4.6 (I know it's right
> there at the corner but if easy and quick to do, it'd be a bit more of
> feature completion, wouldn't it)?

no, it would be a new feature and 4.6 is way, way, way too close to add 
something like this. we're trying to be half-way careful with the API :)

however, if done with a DataEngine/Service, one doesn't have to wait at all 
and it would even be available for past releases.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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