Plasmoids, DataEngines & GHNS

Thomas Olsen tanghus at
Mon Dec 27 07:27:33 CET 2010

On Thursday 23 December 2010 19:31:13 Thomas Olsen wrote:
> I guess I'll be spending the holidays at techbase and setting up a build
> environment but I don't have any obligations so thats cool with me :-)

Well, some after-xmas-festivitas popped up anyways so I probably wont be able 
to hack anything until next weekend.
But I should be good to go now. Upgraded to 4.6 RC1 and the newest kdevelop 
(looks very cool; haven't used it for a decade or so), created a local dev 
account and successfully build kdelibs.
If I don't f*ck this this up, and with your (aseigo) new GHNS for Plasmoid 
addons, I see two major gaps being filled for 3rd party Plasmoid and 
DataEngine devs.

Best regards / med venlig hilsen

Thomas Olsen

Dropbox and my thumb drive had an epic battle. Dropbox won.

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