Plasma desktop init scripting
Aaron J. Seigo
aseigo at
Tue Dec 21 21:29:25 CET 2010
On Tuesday, December 21, 2010, Jamie Birse wrote:
> HI KDE devs,
> I have posted this problem on and it was suggested I
> contact this email for help
> My post:
> So the short story is I can not get the plasma-destop/init/ script to
> set the wallpaper or apply icon changes.
all of these things work in 4.6, a few work in 4.4 and quite a bit more in
4.5. so there are some version-to-version improvements that may be biting you.
it is up to the individual plasmoid to implement configChanged() properly; i'm
not sure if quickaccess (a 3rd party plasmoid that is quite popular) does
as for wallpapers, this:
activity.wallpaper = "/usr/share/wallpapers/linuxmint";
is incorrect. this is correct:
activity.currentConfigGroup = new Array("Wallpaper", "image");
and then you need to use activity.writeConfig to set the values of things like
the wallpaper image.
this is also incorrect:
activity.writeConfig("wallpaperplugin", "image");
activity.writeConfig("wallpaperpluginmode", "SingleImage");
you should instead use:
activity.wallpaperPlugin = "image"
activity.wallpaperMode = "SingleImage"
you are probably the third person to ask about this. evidently we need to add
an example for wallpaper setting to
> BTW: I really like the ECMA scripting for configuration management of
> desktops. Keep up the good work.
Aaron J. Seigo
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