Review Request: Extend FolderView::configChanged() to reload configuration values

Harald Sitter sitter.harald at
Sun Aug 22 19:44:36 CEST 2010

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Some lines are a mystery to me.


    Mind that url is empty here, I hope it is intentional that you set an empty URL.


    This is duplicated with configAccepted!
    Due to what this variable actual represents I do not find it wise to have two occurances of the same list. Instead it should be turned into something static const or a macro if absolutely necessary.


    Please copy from m_filterType here, cg.readEntry() is *a lot* more expensive than an int copy.
    Also, unless my search is bogus, niether m_filterType nor filterType get changed, so what is the use of this var?


    ... on line 439 - what is the point of the comparision betwen m_url and url considering they are always the same (if the if condition containing 439 is true) or always different (if the condition is false m_url will be whatever was read and url empty).
    ... on line 463 - what is the point of this comparision between filterType and m_filterType despite none of them having a line that changes the value?
    Also, please fix the formatting here to include whitespaces before and after the comparision operator.


    This always sets m_url to empty since url is empty.


    This always writes an empty url since above you changed m_url to an empty url.


    Same problem as with the previous stuff ... considering m_filterType could not have changed in line 508 (since filterType had no chance to have changed up until then), what is the point of this write?

- Harald

On 2010-08-22 17:07:53, Rohan Garg wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated 2010-08-22 17:07:53)
> Review request for Plasma and Fredrik Höglund.
> Summary
> -------
> Extend FolderView::configChanged() such that all configuration options are read there on FolderView start. This will ensure that configuration changes made "behind its back" (e.g. by the Desktop Scripting) will take effect.
> Diffs
> -----
>   /trunk/KDE/kdebase/apps/plasma/applets/folderview/folderview.cpp 1165986 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Testing done, seems to be OK at my end
> Thanks,
> Rohan

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