Review Request: permit the simple wallpaper name in the config file

Marco Martin notmart at
Tue Aug 10 18:35:37 CEST 2010

> On 2010-08-09 17:48:58, Aaron Seigo wrote:
> > another thought that occurs to me: i wonder if the "translate a package name to an absolute path" doesn't belong in the Desktop Scripting .. that way all wallpapers would get the benefit of it and it would be a penalty paid just once (at initial layout loading).
> Marco Martin wrote:
>     probably...
>     fact is however my main use case was for plasma mobile, that doesn't have desktop scripting :/
>     so probablyboth are needed, this kind of resolution in image, and a convenience function is desktop scripting as well
>     and what about a static Package *Package::fromName(Qstring)?
> Aaron Seigo wrote:
>     "fact is however my main use case was for plasma mobile, that doesn't have desktop scripting"
>     i suppose the question, then, is: should it.
>     "this kind of resolution in image"
>     as long as it can be done without much overhead. it will mean replicating this in every image using wallpaper, though.
>     "what about a static Package *Package::fromName(Qstring)"
>     it also needs a package type, since not all packages are installed and queried the same way. and then package structures would need a way to define how to do that lookup; most are currently based on using ksycoca but, as in the case of wallpaper images and themes, they are based on looking at the filesystem. so it's doable, but it's also PackageStructure-dependent.

>i suppose the question, then, is: should it.
possibly: but then we have again the problem of making the binding a public library or fork it

>as long as it can be done without much overhead. it will mean replicating this in every image using wallpaper
yes, not really good (atm there is just virus as officially distributed?) (weather is using images as well but aren't user configurable in this way)

>as in the case of wallpaper images and themes, they are based on looking at the filesystem
yeah, that's true :/

- Marco

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On 2010-08-09 15:48:31, Marco Martin wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated 2010-08-09 15:48:31)
> Review request for Plasma.
> Summary
> -------
> This patch makes possible to specify in the config file just the wallpaper name, such as "Ethias" or "Grass"
> this would be necessary to do default plasma layouts with a different wallpaper per containment for instance.
> the patch looks like a quick and dirty way to me, another could be a Package constructor that takesthe desktop file, or the associated KService as a path..
> Diffs
> -----
>   /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/generic/wallpapers/image/image.cpp 1157559 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Marco

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