system tray work

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Apr 29 04:04:00 CEST 2010

hey all ..

so the system tray is really shaping up pretty nicely these days, thanks 
mostly to the work of marco, frederik and aurelien. woo! :)

i just committed some changes to the layout of things that i'd like to get 
some feedback on. (and i recommend updating the battery applet while you're at 

now ... i'm not going to spoil it and say what's changed as i'm not even sure 
anyone will notice. (which would also be a sort of success?)

in any case, i'm quite happy with how it is now but am open to suggestions 
(esp from the afformentioned trio of system tray greatnesses, though aurelien 
is now on vacation so i don't suppose he'll speak up much ;)

some things still to nail down:

* consistent mouse overs for things like the battery icon relative to the 
status item notifiers

* whether or not to show tooltips instantly for items in the tray or wait the 
time out as per usual

* separation between types (e.g. hardware vs app icons)?

* increased consistency in interaction; i really dislike krandr's window now 

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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