Review Request: Comic applet proted to PopupApplet

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Oct 30 19:03:07 CET 2009

On October 30, 2009, Giulio Camuffo wrote:
> So this patch fixes this.

i think you forgot the patch

(it's so easy to know when people aren't using kmail sometimes ;)
> downloading the comic, it calls setBusy(true). So a BusyWidget is shown,
> but it is shown over the icon on the panel instead of over the popup,
> which i think it would clearer.

if it is shown in the popup, then it's not visible when the popup is hidden.

what might be possible is to make it very clever and move it from the icon to 
the graphicsWidget() when the popup is shown, and back again when it's not.

this would also imply changing how the popup works a bit when we have a 
QWidget. right now, when there is a QWidget and a popup (e.g. it isn't shown 
right on the canvas, because it's in a small panel for instance) we just put 
the QWidget right inside the popup. it isn't actually on the QGraphicsScene 
with a QGraphicsProxyWIdget in that case ... and that would make using the 
busy widget a bit harder (unless we created a QWidget version of it).

always wrapping the QWidget in a QGraphicsProxyWidget wouldn't necessarily be 
a bad idea, though. it would probably remove some of the special casing in 
void PopupAppletPrivate::popupConstraintsEvent(Plasma::Constraints 
constraints) which can never be a bad thing :)

do you want to try and come up with a patch for that?

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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