PlasMate ~ UI and other stuff

Chani chanika at
Fri Oct 23 07:17:56 CEST 2009

On October 22, 2009 20:57:43 Yuen Hoe Lim wrote:
> Oh yeah, since this thread is still running, I have a question - how
>  exactly is saving supposed to work in PlasMate again? I haven't really
>  been thinking about it and just kinda assumed that it'd be like a regular
>  editor - you edit, edit, save (the file), next file, edit, save, and so

you really work like that?? one file at a time? o.0
I usually have at least a half dozen of them open, several with unsaved 
changes. I bounce back and forth. add a few lines here, move this to that 
other file, change this a bit, check how some other calss did something...
of course, I use an editor with file recovery so I never have to worry about 
losing unsaved changes.

>  on, and when you reach a milestone and would like to create a checkpoint
>  you use the timeline mechanism. But I just went back and read the techbase
>  page and realized it sounded like there should be the checkpointing
>  mechanism and nothing else - 'save-less' interface and all. Does this
>  really mean that there shouldn't be a 'save' function in the traditional
>  sense and every time the user wants to save a commit actually happens? Or
>  am I just misreading it?

yes, that's what it means.

the actual files should be saved to disk automagically so that the user doesn't 
lose work if there's a crash or power loss or something.

when the user wants to explicitly create a save-point, then we use git behind-
the-scenes to do so.

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