Currencies and Countries. Was: Re: OT: Thanks!

Thomas Olsen tanghus at
Mon Oct 19 03:23:18 CEST 2009

On 19/10-2009 02:02 John Layt <johnlayt at> wrote:
> On Sunday 18 October 2009 23:16:29 Thomas Olsen wrote:
> > Hmm. I get your point. didn't think of that. And unfortunately the
> > problem will also be in Currency Converter because a currency can be used
> > in several countries:
> Yep, it's something I plan to cater for in the currency stuff.
> > And then there are both alpha-2 and alpha-3 codes :-/
> And for countries too there are alpha-2, alpha-3, numeric-3, FIPS, NATO...
> The great thing about standards are there are so many to choose from :-)
> They're also on my list to look into supporting.
> > Guess I'll better drop they eye-candy. Just thought it would look cool
> > :-)
> Well, for currency I don't think it's such a problem, as even when a
>  currency is used in several countries like the USD or NZD, there is
>  usually only one country that issues the currency and you can use that
>  flag.  The exception of course are things like the Euro, Caribbean dollar,
>  and CFA Franc where you would need to find an appropriate symbol like the
>  EU flag.
I'm looking forward to seeing a KCurrency class. Maybe if I really want flags 
in Currency Converter I'll randomize which flag to be used for currencies used 
by several countries ;-)

Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen

  Thomas Olsen

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