QtScript bindings

Tommi Mikkonen tjm at cs.tut.fi
Thu Oct 1 21:21:57 CEST 2009

Not really associated with the memory issue, but here goes:

We've done a quick and dirty port of most of the lively stuff inside
plasmoids. A screenshot is attached. In the screenshot, there are a
number of things: a plasmoid that fetches images from Flickr based on a
given keyword, a plain old map application, and a map that is augmented
with web camera feeds coming from different points of interests. All the
plasmoids are nicely responsive and work pretty well. All application
logic is implemented with JavaScript.

I'm running the stuff in a laptop running on its battery inside a VM
without any performance or memory problems.

I really believe that this is something that would be worth putting
inside the mainstream Plasma implementation. How could we best help in this?


Robert Knight wrote:
> Please check with Kent whether there has been any change on this but
> last I looked
> at the binding generator (shortly after he announced the project on
> the Qt Labs site)
> it produced enormous binding libraries - both in terms of on disk
> space and increased
> private memory usage.  I think it was on the order of ~19MB non-shared
> writable memory per application using
> full QtCore and QtGui bindings.
> Again, that is a figure from memory which I have not checked with a
> recent version of the generator and I'd appreciate it
> if someone could verify whether this problem still exists.
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