can qtscript plasmoids load C++ qtscript plugins

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Nov 9 20:36:58 CET 2009

On Monday 09 November 2009, Ian Monroe wrote:
> I suspect the answer to the subject is "no" since I haven't found a
> mention of a method to do it. But I also haven't found comprehensive
> QtScript API docs. :)

well, the current bindings are limited and "hand written", just have bindings 
to the principal (and safest) Applet methods, dataengines, layouts and te 
widgets in libplasma..
i don't know if it would be even desired to load random plugins, since we want 
them to be "secure" (at least attempting to be) but yeah, complete bindings 
would be needed as a completely separate script engine :)

> My situation is that I want to write a full chat solution in a
> qtscript plasmoid using the QtScript Telepathy bindings I wrote. (I'm
> guessing a dataengine or service for buddy presence and chatting would
> be pretty crazy right?)

and that would be a good use case for those fantomatic bindings, even wicked 
cool :D

Marco Martin

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