Firefox Bookmark runner

Jan Gerrit Marker jangmarker at
Mon Nov 2 13:24:03 CET 2009

Am Montag 02 November 2009 10:24:05 schrieb Marco Martin:
> hmm, not sure if having something installed by default specific for firefox
> would be a soo good idea, what would be cool is having a single bookmark
> runner that would search in firefox if it's the default browser otherwise
>  in konqueror as usual.
> would it have a too convoluted logic?
You could have two methods:
QList<Plasma::QueryMatch> firefoxBookmarks(QString& term);
QList<Plasma::QueryMatch> konquerorBookmarks(QString& term);

The match Method tests if Firefox or Konqueror should be asked for bookmark 
information and runs the methods. Then it calls context.addMatches() and adds 
the matches it got from the method.

But the idea of a single bookmark runner is good. That would be much easier.
Jan Gerrit Marker (jangmarker)

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