Plasma on MID, take 2

Emmanuel Lepage-Vallée elv1313 at
Sun Mar 29 01:41:24 CET 2009

*Christopher Blauvelt wrote:*

 > I like the idea of using a 'home' screen which you can switch back to
 > without closing the application.  Something similar to the iPhone or
 > moblin.  If you don't want to have something with every icon available then
 > perhaps a widget that pops up with all open applications.

Thats the whole goal of my project. The problem here is how to deal
with plasmoid that act as an activity. For standanrd application, my
concept work fine.

*Artur Souza (MoRpHeUz) wrote:

* > One thing that I was thinking and I think Marco or Aaron too: use
 > overlays for showing stuff...
 > It's almost your idea about yakuake, but the overlay would be
 > triggered by a hw key so it doesn't use too much screen space. When
 > you are dealing with menus and plasmoids, etc... you probably is just
 > focusing on one action and wants to use the whole screen for that.

 > What do you think about that ?

Can I use an overlay with different plasmoid on top of plasma? If yes,
then yes, I can use that. It will look bad without compositing, but
can work (you are talking about the dashboard stuff right?).

It dosent solve the problem how to display data, but it solve how to access it.
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