GSoC 2009 participation

Johnny Levai digistyl3 at
Mon Mar 16 16:34:15 CET 2009

Dear Plasma Devs,

This year I would like to participate in a GSoC project. I've chosen the KDE
Project because the KDE4 family is the most promising DE. I know that
enormous work was and is put into it, even if some changes are not yet
visible to the end-user. I use openSUSE 11.1 (ALSA is currently badly broken
in it, so I have to reinstall) with KDE 4.2.1 and Plasma is one of the most
interesting bits of it. That's why I would like to help in some sort of
Plasma project.

I have eaten myself through the Ideas page and was a little overwhelmed by
the long list of projects. In the end I managed to choose one: D-Bus
Interface [for Plasma]

I could learn a lot from this project and also add a very useful feature to
the Plasma shell. Providing easy access to Plasma for applications is a
great way for making a strongly integrated desktop. A lot of applications
that have or will have plasmoids could seamlessly add those to the desktop,
align them, resize them, etc. There could be a demonstration program that
aligns the plasmoids on the desktop the same way the "Expose`" plugin works
in KWin. Easy implementation = more devs = more useful programs = more users
= more devs ... you get the point :)

Each containement will have a D-Bus interface with a standard set of tools
for listing, adding, removing, positioning and sizing widgets. Each widget's
contextual actions will be available. I will also implement locking and
unlocking widgets. Widgets could also have extra information like whom was
it added by (application or plasma widget menu), group that it belongs to or
even a debug stream using D-Bus for easy debugging.

I am a student at an IT Faculty in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. I use Linux since
2006 and can code well in C++ (I'm learning some extra stuff about it right
now, but I got a hang of it last summer) and learning shell scripting too. I
have also played with Qt, Python and Java. This is my first time GSoC
application, so if I'm doing something wrong, please correct me :)

Feel free to contact me.


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