Important: Plasma Applet Browser - IRC Meeting no 2

Ana Cecília Martins Barbosa anaceciliamb at
Sun Jun 28 20:47:14 CEST 2009

I wasn't at the meeting where you discussed the problems with the project,
but ivan told me in few words what where them and I got a little confused -
but now you made it clear to me what are the actual problems.
I agree with what you are exposing, and I think you could have came up with
great ideas for mocks if we had known these requirements sooner (at least I
didn't know). It's sad that we couldn't do it earlier... The mocks
implementation where before the coding time just because I didn't want work
and coding time to be lost.
But, as you mentioned, few work will be lost, and the research with the
focusgroup, and the mocks drawing, can also be reused. :)

Ivan talked to me and told me that it would be good for you to have the last
meeting log, and I think so too. :)
So it's here (sorry if
you think it's too much colorful :P)

The meeting is about to begin so we can discuss everything there!
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