KRunner, missing scroll bar.

Sean suseux at
Wed Jun 24 16:36:01 CEST 2009


Doesn't it seem odd that Krunner doesn't have a scroll bar? Now in 4.3 it
uses a list view to show the items but has no scroll bar. Is there any
reason for this?

If you look at it this way, the user has to completely guess if there are
anymore apps in the list. I know that you can use the mouse wheel but that
doesn't solve the main issue here. A scroll bar would tell the user as well
that there are more items in the list.

So the questions are;

1. Can you get a scroll bar in to KRunner as a bug fix?

2. How did this get missed and if it didn't, whats the logic for not having
a scroll bar in Krunner?


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