zui ideas

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 17:55:31 CEST 2009

> The terms "Zoom Out" and "Zoom In" are presented to the user.  I wonder if
> this perhaps exposes the mechanism rather than the action(s) the user would
> like to perform.  What distinct functionality does each of the zoom level
> provide?  Or another way to put it might be, what activity would the user
> like to perform that would prompt the user to change zoom levels?
> At the "zoom 0 (fully zoomed in)" level, the only thing I can think that
> "Zoom Out" provides is to show the available activities. Once "zoomed out
> (1/2, 1, 2)" the user can currently select an activity, create new
> activities, or remove existing activities.  If that is what it does (or is
> envisioned to do), would it make sense to label "Zoom Out" in the
> fully-zoomed-in/normal-desktop-view mode something like "Show Activities". 


the point of zooming out once is to switch activities or move stuff between 
them. I'd like the second zoom out to be for management of activities.

> Selecting an activity could use the same Qt/KDE selection model similar to
> what's used throughout the desktop (essentially a single selection view). 
> Keyboard navigation could be the same as elsewhere on the desktop: arrows
> keys highlight, enter activates (zooms in).  Mouse navigation would be the
> same: mouse over highlights, click/double-click activates.
> To keep the move-applets-between-containments-using-the-mouse functionality
> probably requires the activate target outside the containment like the
> "Zoom In" on the handle is now (but perhaps bigger and labeled "Select" or
> "Select this activity" "Use" or something...).

I don't think this part really fits with plasma. when we zoom out we are quite 
literally zooming out - it's just a transform on the canvas. pretty much one 
line of code.
it'd be kinda nice to have a way to select an activity and see which one is 
selected, though.

> If all the activites don't fit on the screen, perhaps the same mechanic
> that's used througout the desktop when display items don't fit on the
> display area could be used here: a horizontal scrollbar.   I have to keep
> reminding myself that I can drag-to-scroll when I've zoomed out to see the
> available activities.

first thought: eeeew, ugly scrollbars!
second thought: er, you have a point, some indication that scrolling's 
possible would be good. although we do turn the mouse into a grabby hand.

> To push a little the further;  what about a zoom slider in the tool box
> once the user is in the "Show Activities"/(zoom > 0) mode.  The slider
> could use detents for each zoom level.  The user is arguably already
> familiar with the zoom slider from many apps (dolphin, gwenview).


> The visual presentation and interation would be mostly similar to a dolphin
> icon view in preview mode, only with live, more interactive "previews"
> (containments). One remaining question would be: are there any functions
> envisioned in the zoomed out modes that go beyond selecting, creating and
> removing activies that would not work with this suggested mechanic?

hrm. um. I can't think of any, actually.

> Just a few thoughts I hope are helpful, and I'm happy to pitch in some
> coding time to help whoever wants to work on this, Andrew Lake

coding time would be awesome. :) we have plenty of other things that could use 
coding time too (er, who's watching over the bug monster while aaron's away?)

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