FrameSvg corruption [a bit urgent]

Marco Martin notmart at
Fri Jan 16 10:12:14 CET 2009

On Friday 16 January 2009, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> > because if it is found, then we don't want to re-look it up in the svg.
> > no?
> But the problem is that it is not loaded from the cache properly, but
> exists in the file, and hasElement() returns false, because it thinks that
> the cache holds the element, and if it has it at all, it is corrupted.
> The /found/ variable refers to the fact that it is found in the cache, and
> not in the file. So, the hasElement() returns false although that element
> exist.
> As the documentation states for hasElement()
> @return true if the element is defined in the Svg, otherwise false
> Which doesn't describe its behavior. With the proposed change, it would.
> 1. Check cache, if we have valid cached element, then the element exists
> 2. If we don't have it in the cache, then we check the Svg directly

problem is, asking for random non existent elements (thing that happens a lot 
because it's supposed to be very fast) won't get any speedups by the cache

> I hope I made it a bit more clear what is the problem.
> Cheers

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