More DataEngines questions

Chani chanika at
Sun Jan 4 10:20:32 CET 2009

> Let's make an example to make things clearer. A user may want to 
search for
> the term "foo", and another for the term "bar", and of course, they 
> get different results. How can I make the DataEngine aware that the 
> parameter should be "foo" in one case, and "bar" in the other?

perhaps what you want is a Service, not a Source. my memory of such 
things is all fuzzy, though. there should be apidocs for dataservices, and 
twitter uses them for setting passwords...

the other option would be to make the parameter a part of the source 
name, like twitter can have "Timeline:chanika" and "Timeline:aseigo" as 
sources. depending on what you're doing that might not be the Right 
approach, though.

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