tasks applet: group popup

Christian Mollekopf chrigi_1 at fastmail.fm
Tue Feb 24 00:05:53 CET 2009


I already started with the popup and it seems to work quite nicely, but i 
would like to have your comments on how i intend to go on.

According to marcos suggestions i'm currently displaying a LayoutWidget in a 
Plasma::Dialog which leads to a similar result as the current popupMenu.

Since drag and drop is handled in the TaskGroupItem i intend to extract the 
D&D stuff, put it into a seperate class which TaskGroupItem then can inherit.

The popupMenu becomes a qgraphicswidget which also inheriths the D&D class and 
additionally manages when to close the popup because of focus change etc.

For displaying i think it would be nice if the popup would overlay the 
groupItem, so it looks like the group expands vertically and shows its tasks 
instead of having the separate popup as currently. Of course this would make 
it impossible to click again on the groupitem to close the popup, but i think 
it would be much more dynamic to close it when the mouse leaves the area 

btw. i think it would be reasonable to rename the LayoutWidget to something 
like GroupLayout or so. because the current name emerged when the LayoutWidget 
was a actual widget and not only a layout.



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